Has anyone heard of the clever online fashion service called Stitch Fix?
I just found out about it from my fabulous supervisor at work,
(her name is also Christine)
and had to try it out!
Basically, Stitch Fix sends you a box of five items every so many weeks
based on a style profile that you create when you sign up.
They hand select items just for you based on your preferences,
and you can select from tops, bottoms, dresses, shoes, and accessories.
I did not want to get shoes or handbags.
They send you the box,
you try it on,
send back what you don't like,
and keep what you do like!
I was super excited to try this out,
especially because I gravitate towards the SAME brands and the SAME styles
almost all of the time.
I thought it might be a good idea if I stepped outside my comfort zone...
a little.
Stitch Fix has a Pintrest board,
so I checked them out to see if they would have the kinds of things I might like.
I came across this outfit on their "Preppy" board
and thought Stitch Fix could definitely work for me!
Clearly my style....classic and timeless.
Impressed with the packaging.....
And here are my five selections....
Two tops and a sweater....
This is an A-symmertical zip knit jacket...
And this is a knit black dress with a scoop back.
Tried to be positive so I tried the things on.
Not photo-worthy.
To be honest, I hated all of it.
First, I did not like the colors of anything they sent.
Well, ok a little black dress is a must have, but not this one.
I also did not like the fabrics.
I did not feel like any of the items were even close to what I put in my profile.
Disappointed would be an understatement.
I did like how they send a style card with your box....
Very handy and a great tool to use if you are keeping what's in your box.
It reminds me of the fashion boards you can make on Polyvore and share.
Just because I did not have a good experience does not mean that Stitch Fix is a bad thing.
If you are a lot less picky than I am,
and your style is more trendy and less preppy,
then I think this would be something really fun to try.
Christine (supervisor) has had great luck with it and she is very stylish...and picky like me.
Once you get your box, you log into your account online and "check out"
and you have the opportunity to tell your "stylist" why you are returning an item.
This helps them to get a better idea of what to send in your next box.
Sadly, I am returning all of my items in the pre-paid label that comes with your box.
My overall review of Stitch Fix is that it's a fun concept that will work for many people.
If you are pretty set in your style and you have go-to brands that you don't really deviate from,
then it may not be for you.
I'm going to give it a whirl one more time and then decide if I want to keep it going.
Let me know if you've tried it....

The whole concept fascinates me and I love reading posts about what people receive. But, I think I'm like you. I have a style I am comfortable with and don't think an online stylist would send brands I would wear. It sure looks fun though :-)
I've received 3 fixes from Stitch fix, and the only one I liked was my first one. Everything else is outside of what I stated for my profile.
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