You know when you are not planning something and then it just happens....
Out of the blue I suggested to my husband in April that we consider moving.
We had put a fair amount of money into Hotel Chads,
(what we affectionately called our home)
but it needed a lot more bathrooms, roof, back yard patio, need I go on.....
so I thought we should find a home that already had "newer" bathrooms, a little more space,
and did not need a lot of work put into it.
We talked about this decision on a Friday,
randomly looked at a house on Saturday that the girls saw online,
and bought it on Tuesday.
Was not ready for that, but sometimes these things just happen.
The house was PERFECT for our family.
We had the BEST realtor, Skye Bruce, with Skye Bruce Properties,
and she sold our home in less than a week once we listed it.
Cannot say enough good things about Skye....she kept my sanity through this entire process.
Here we are the last night we were the owners of Hotel Chadsworth.
We will cherish the memories but are looking forward to....
Living life on The Ledge....our new home.
We literally moved just two miles no school changes or carpool changes!
Amid chaos, we moved in three weeks ago.
It was actually kind of comical....
Katherine came home from Tech, Caroline graduated from VCU with her Bachelors, we had a graduation party in the old house for 40 people, Grace came home from Boarding School, Jack played in a three day volleyball tournament, Laura took the SAT,
and we closed on Ledge (our new street) all within about a week.
A pic from graduation day....just to brag a little,
she graduated with honors and Caroline was one of 22 people out of 800 applicants who was
accepted into Virginia Commonwealth University's Advanced Standing Masters Program.
She will complete her Masters of Social Work within one year.
We are fairly settled
(if you call not being able to find most things)
into our new home and are loving the space...
We have six of our eight children home full time this summer,
and I am beyond excited to have everyone home!
We are blessed.

Glad to see an update Christine! You have been busy, but happy to hear you found the perfect house for your family. I will be starting the house hunting process soon and know it will be exciting, yet stressful (in case you missed it, hubby took early retirement, is back to work consulting, but when that's done in the fall, we are moving to Florida)
So excited for you all. And, congrats to your daughter on graduating and the honors!!!
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