Four years ago today was one of the best days of my life.
My sweet sailor, D, asked me to marry him.
It is a cute story.
We met in 1986 (that is a post in itself) and after following our own paths for many years,
we found ourselves connected again.
Here is a picture of us from 1986...loving the hair.
Anyway, after being friends for many years, D casually asked me if I would consider dating him.
I thought about it...for a nano second...and said yes.
Our first date was to one of President & Laura Bush's Christmas Parties.
Mrs. Bush is the sponsor of the USS Texas and D met her at the boat's commissioning.
Pretty impressive first date....LOL.
White House Christmas 2008
Fast forward to the summer of 2009.
It was the week before D's Change of Command (COC), a MAJOR ceremony that I was helping plan.
His COC was in Connecticut and the kids and I were going up there for a week.
D had been underway most of the summer and we had not seen much of each other. He found out he would be in port for a long weekend the weekend BEFORE I was coming up with the kids,
and he decided that he couldn't wait that long to see me. So he bought me a plane ticket.
Well, to be honest, I complained all week about making this trip. I was working, I had to pack for our week long trip up to Connecticut the next week, and I was drowning in wrapping up the details for D's COC. My mother told me it would be good to have time just the two of us because next week would be crazy. I was like "whatever..."
I flew up Friday night and Saturday morning we ran a few errands. D was happy as a clam, excited for his COC the next week, and it was a fun morning.
Until we went to the post office.
I waited in the car and when he came back, he was a CRAB!
He drove us back to the base where he promptly announced that he was going down to the boat.
GREAT....I thought....I flew up here so you can go to the boat all afternoon.
I took a nap.
D got back.....and he was in a HAPPY mood again.
We were planning on going out to dinner so we got ready and a limo picked us up...WOW.
Turns out we were going to Harbor Court in Newport, RI for dinner.
It was a relaxing and fun ride....and then we stopped.
D wanted to get out at the beach and see the sunset.
So we got out, walked down to the water and stood on the rocks.
Then he started talking....I was listening...sort of...
What I THOUGHT I heard him say was that I was the love of his life and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me....
But what I was THINKING was..."OMG it just sounded like he asked me to marry him...I wonder what he actually would be a dream come true if we got married...hmmm...ok...well awkward...I don't know what he said now because I was daydreamimg about getting married to him...
Then he asks me..."Are you going to say yes?"
Too bad I missed that part...LOL
I apparently stood there saying nothing lost in my own thoughts after he proposed!
Just after I said yes...
So here is what had happened...he had arranged for my engagement ring to be mailed to him and when he went to pick it up that morning, it had not arrived.
He didn't know what to do because he had flown me up there to ask me to marry him but now he didn't have the ring. That's why he was so crabby.
So he went down to the boat and had his officers call their wives to ask what he should do...should he do it without the ring or wait?
They all said go for it!
D had called my parents that week to tell them his plans, so my mother knew all week that he was going to propose when I was complaining to her about making this trip!
That is our little engagement story....and one of the happiest days of my life.
I would love to hear your story!

Awww...Happy Anniversary. Great story.
Oh I just love this! What a romantic and inspiring story! Wishing you many more years of happiness!
2013 Designer Series
Love that story. So sweet and the daydreaming was so funny. You are a very handsome couple. I wish you many happy, healthy years together.
Such a sweet story!
Always love hearing your story! And your beautiful ring was definitely worth the wait. ;) Now I just have to hear how he gave it to you when it arrived!
love that story! especially how you met in the 80's and found each other again later in life. thanks for sharing! Happy Anniversary!
Such a sweet story, and such a beautiful couple! Happy Anniversary!! :)
The Glam Pad
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