My friend, S, is originally from Dallas, Texas, was transplanted to the Chicago area after she was married, and landed in here Richmond about the same time that my children and I did. We met at the baseball field as we both have sons who play travel baseball together. She lives in the "Bubble" (aka my development) as well, so our kids go to the same schools. She is as preppy as I am trendy....I can't recall EVER seeing her wearing pink and green and I think I would have to call 911 if I saw her sporting Lilly Pulitzer. She is VERY stylish, has a gift for graphic design and marketing, is a wonderful wife and mom, and is a very dear friend. She is a great listener, has a strong faith, and is always there to provide support when I am feeling overwhelmed.
I look back over my life and many of my best memories are times that were spent with my are just a few of them over the last several years...
Baseball Mom Friends (S is third from left)
Cotillion Mom Friends (our boys were in Cotillion together last fall)
BFF and sorority sister from college
Another BFF sorority sister from college
Sorority Sister Reunion
Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Friends (none of us live in Bryn Mawr anymore)
Sending hugs to all of my girlfriends!

Fun! They opened a Chuy's here in the past couple years, and there is also one down in Waco we go to when visiting the youngest at school. Their salsa is amazing!! Girlfriends are the best.
Aaaawwww. :) xx. You will laugh 'cause I'm wearing a turquoise skirt and an orange tank today. The DH came home and said "New outfit? It's very sherbert!" ;)
BTW, Simply LKJ, if your youngest attends B.U., I graduated from there MANY moons ago. Great school!
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